Opera on Tap
AnnouncementsUpcoming EventsDonate

We are so excited to announce that Opera on Tap has arrived in Rochester, NY!

Throughout our existing musical landscape, there has become a more pressing need for the embodiment of new works by living composers representing historically excluded populous demographics. This need has encouraged an actionable push towards augmenting the narratives of the members of these communities and their vast experiences.

In the creation of Opera on Tap (Rochester), our central mission and vision leads with the focus of highlighting the celebration and commissioning of new works by living composers and the revitalization of thought-provoking recital series.
As we partake in offering new voices and new works, we are committed to serving as an example in the holistic overview of offering a pathway for encouraging, inspirational, and soul-stirring stories of the 21st century and beyond.

We look forward to contributing to the ever-evolving lineage of culture, history, and musical experiences that make the city of Rochester special and unforgettable.


Opera on Tap (Rochester)

None yet, but check back here soon!

Chapter Admins:

Jared Marshall
Jay St. Flono

Chapter Contact Info:
